7 Nov 2009

Dongqing and the EPFL, Facebook 101

Posted by Yunus

Today after class, I was talking with Professor Dongqing Li. He asked me where I am from in Switzerland, since he’s got a friend in Lausanne. As I tell him that that’s exactly where I am from, he asks me if then I come from EPFL. “So why have you come here? – EPFL, that’s the best place.” His friend is Professor in microtechnics at EPFL.

In the evening I go to the nearby Laurel Creek resservoir (see October 25) where the sun is just about to set.

After sunset, I go for a short trip (by bike) through the nearby area. I see a panel “Facebook 101 Twitter – Parent workshop Nov 18” at a public school. Over here in Canada, if there is an introduction to something related to school, they like to call it “101”, due to the fact, that all University courses start with the introduction course “101”, e.g. ECON101, would be “introduction to microeconomics”.

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